Arm for zipline


This arm is designed for ziplines up to 150 m long (492ft).

2 back-ups + 2 arms required per zipline. Back-ups are mandatory (ME78-F).

The wire rope will be maintained with two 65 mm (2,56 in) ferrules per arm.

Tapered ferrule on one side to ensure better fluidity of the continuous belay system.

Made for:

- Galvanized steel wire ropes, 6 x 7 Ø12 mm (0,47 in) textile core, Lang Forming,

- Galvanized steel wire ropes, 19 x 7 Ø12 mm (0,47 in) metallic core, anti-rotating,

- Swaged galvanized steel wire ropes, 6 x 26 Ø12 mm (0,47 in) metallic core.

Fixing method : on a shackle.

Material : stainless steel.

Weight : 1,080 kg (2,20 lbs).

Available for Ø1/2 inch wire ropes, please contact us.

Price per item (without fixing accessories nor ferrules).

 Designed and manufactured in the French Alps.

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